Movie night to raise funds and support nursing research – 17 June

Come along and join us for a night out and raise funds to honour nursing history and support nursing research.

It will be held on Monday 17th June, 2019 at the Blue Room Cinebar, 151 Baroona Road, Paddington. Get there at 5:30pm for pre-movie raffles and a 6:30 start.

The screening movie is “Tolkien”, a biographical drama about the early life of the author of “The Hobbit” and “Lord of the Rings”.

Price is $35.00 per ticket –for entrance to the night, movie and popcorn. (There is other food and drink available for purchase).

Act quickly to secure tickets! Bring your friends.

You can also pay online to the Centaur Account – leaving your name with the deposit and pick up ticket on the night.

Bank Details: Account Name: Centaur | BSB: 064 006 | Acct: 00900753